Thursday, April 8, 2010

Writing again

I'm getting ready to start writing again. I know once I start making enough money as a writer that I can quit my day job I'm going to need to write constantly instead of in spurts, and that is going to be very hard for me.

Mind you, I'm always working on stories in my head. Somewhere in the back of my mind I'm constantly throwing around ideas or taking notes on how people around me are reacting to (or ignoring) their surroundings. If you and I have interacted, I can assure you I've taken notes on the way you hold your pen or the funny face you make when you're about to sneeze. But I'm not always physically writing things down.

Some people call the dry spell between stories when nothing good seems to make it onto the page Writers Block. I call it letting the battery recharge. When I hit that wall I know the best thing I can do is go play a video game or an RPG and goof around with characters and plot lines that I never have to edit or submit for publication.

I was once accused of wasting my talents by playing games, but gaming is an outlet that lets the creative process remain fun and has on rare occasion (read as: twice ever) lead to something that became more than just a game.

All that being said, I think the battery is charged, and I'm ready to start producing new material instead of the god-awful job of editing old pieces and formatting them for submission.

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